Monday, October 4, 2010

Lab 1-2 Indirect Measurment

The Lab had numerous steps into getting your results. You had to compare many numbers. This lab was all about thickness of the objects and how to get that thickness. For example, the foils, HD foil was much thicker than regular foil but they looked similar. So you had to take the mass of the foils then get the volume by dividing that mass by the density of aluminum, which gave you the thickness. My group then compared the two and they were very different in size but similar in appearance. For The copper it was the same pretty much because you had to get the same measurments. But on the end of the calculations you used the diameter formula.

1.) With the water displacement method it's not very accurate because even though the HD foil and the regular foil had differtent masses they might get the same volume which is incorrect. To get an accurate measurment you have to find the mass of the foil then divide the mass of the foil by the density of aluminum. that will give you the volume which is the thickness.

When you measure with a ruler it's the same as water displacement it's inaccurate. in order to get the correct thickness you have to measure the legth with a ruler but not the width. Next, you have to perform the diameter formula which will give you the thickness.These are some methods to get accurate measurments.

2.)When calculating the actual thickness you can be confident if the answer has lots of decimals because normally if it's a precise measurment it won't be a whole number. For instance the thickness of someone's arm. for sure that won't be a whole number. That's why you should be confident if your answer has a lot of decimals.

3.) Some sources of error would be your reference table or your calculator because the numbers are rounded. The scale could be a source oferror as well because it could be a tenth off it there is any extra pressure on the scale.

I believe I could measure the thickness of a pen in a future experiment because it's cylindrical just like copper wire but it has different measurments. The pen might not have an exact measurment but if you try you'll find out.

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