Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lab1-4 Physial & Chemical Change

Physical and chemical change can be easily mixed up. For instance, when a substance changes colors after something is added. Some people would think that it's a chemical change but it's only physical because it just changed the color it didn't change the chemical compositon of the substance

Physical Change-   Any process involving a substance's change from one state (gas, liquid, solid) to another without alteration of the chemical composition. (

Ex.)  Freezing water is a physical change because both water and ice are H2O.

Chemical Change-    Any change from one state (gas, liquid, solid) which is accompanied by alteration of the chemical composition; any process in which one or more substances are changed into one or more different substances. (

Ex.)  Making water out of hydrogen and oxygen

One thing that would convince methat a physical change has occurred is color change.

One thing that would convince me that a chemicalchange has occurrred is the bubbling or boiling of a substance.

When you're unsure you could use your reference tables or th internet to see if the two substances ar reactant to eachother.


You could try to seperate the ixture and then see if it's different tan before.

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